Problem-based learning, Active methodologies, ENEM, Mathematics teachingAbstract
This article seeks to emphasize the importance of Mathematics, its teaching and the application of active methodologies for the preparation of high school students who wish to take the National High School Exam (ENEM). For this, a workshop was held based on the UNISC Connections project, a sector linked to the Academic Pro-Rectory of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul. The Full Degree Mathematics course, inserted in the Project, holds the Mathematics for ENEM workshop. It aims to identify the difficulties presented by students in the contents charged in the National High School Examination. The development of the work is centered on didactic-pedagogical materials prepared by the scholarship holder and teachers, anchored in technological resources such as videos for the application of workshop activities and problem solving. Based on a proposed theoretical-practical model of activities, the workshop appropriates one of the active methodologies, which is problem-based learning. With its use in classes of high school students in 8 schools in the region of Santa Cruz do Sul, a change in the understanding and resolution of Mathematics questions in the ENEM was noticed. Also, the role of the teacher and the diversification in the methodology adopted for his classes ensures an improvement in student participation and encourages self-learning.
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