
  • Natália Silva Machado Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Liane Mahlmann Kipper Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Rejane Frozza Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul



General Data Protection Act. , GDPA, Ideiaware, Requirements, Computational Tool


The General Data Protection Act (LGPD) was created in 2018 and entered into force in 2020. However, only in 2023 did the first sanctions for breaking the General Data Protection Act begin to be applied, once, this year, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) has published the Regulation of Dosimetry and Application of Administrative Sanctions, a document that seeks to regulate the categorizing of infractions of the Law, and also systematize the potential sanctions for each violation. With this in mind, this articles seeks to gather cases of violation to the LGPD since the publishing of its dosimetry in January 27th, 2023, with the intent of studying the ways the existence of this Law impacts people in practice and how the Law’s recency creates counterintuitive cases, in which the legislation is broken by accident. As a case study, it presents the proposition of requirements for the IdeiaWare tool, developed with the objective of providing a collaborative environment and with a design thinking approach for the elaboration and storage of ideas in a knowledge base.


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How to Cite

Silva Machado, N., Mahlmann Kipper, L., & Frozza, R. (2023). VIOLATIONS TO THE GENERAL DATA PROTECTION LAW AND PROPOSAL OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE IDEIAWARE TOOL. Revista Jovens Pesquisadores, 13(1), 37-45.

