
  • Jenniffer Scapini Paludo Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Martina Fiegenbaum Wingert Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Beatriz Baldo Marques Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul



Breastfeeding, Ankyloglossia, Lingual frenulum, Health education


To verify the knowledge of mothers in relation to the importance of the lingual frenulum in the oral functions and the accomplishment of the evaluation of the lingual frenulum test by professionals, in the maternity of Hospital Santa Cruz. Analytical observational quantitative study accomplished at Hospital Santa Cruz with 128 postpartum women, from August to September 2022. The research was submitted to the Ethics Committee and approved (n° 59237822.5.0000.5343). The data were obtained through a questionnaire applied by the researchers that included questions about the mothers' knowledge regarding tongue-tie and it’s relationship with breastfeeding and the lingual frenulum test. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical program. The results showed a high percentage of mothers' lack of knowledge on what is tongue-tied (76.6%) and the lingual frenulum test (66.4%). Most mothers had orientations about breastfeeding during pregnancy (66.4%) and after the baby was born (84.4%). The puerperal women with greater knowledge on the interference of tongue-tied in breastfeeding were those with health insurance coverage or private, with higher education, who knew the meaning of tongue-tie and the lingual frenulum test. Mothers have superficial knowledge about the influence of the lingual frenulum on breastfeeding and other oral functions. Strategies for disseminating knowledge on the subject are important.


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How to Cite

Scapini Paludo, J., Fiegenbaum Wingert, M., & Baldo Marques, B. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TONGUE IN OROFACIAL FUNCTIONS AND THE APPLICATION OF THE LINGUAL FRENULUM TEST. Revista Jovens Pesquisadores, 13(2), 01-12.

