
  • Isabela Frighetto Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Eduarda Gassen Boeira Português
  • Victor Göttems Vendrusculo Português
  • Noémie Peeters Biomédica formada pela Universidade KU Leuven
  • Inga Aalberg Rostvold Acadêmica do curso de Medicina a universidade The Arctic University of Norway
  • Camilo Darsie Português
  • Pauline Schwarzbold Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Lia Gonçalves Possuelo Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul



Prison health, Health education, Exchange, Academic internationalization


The internationalization of higher education is a relevant movement for the development of education, research, and extension. This phenomenon is characterized by global interconnectedness in terms of promoting the formation of professionals capable of working in different cultural contexts. Internationalization can take different forms, one of which is student mobility programs that promote cultural and scientific exchanges through study abroad experiences. Objective: To describe the experience of students from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC) in receiving and accompanying exchange students from Belgium and Norway. Method: This is an experiential report of the activities carried out over a period of four weeks, between July and August 2022, when two foreign students were received at UNISC. The activities were shared among members of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations in Brazil and the Center for Studies and Research on the Prison System. Results: Open lectures were delivered by Brazilian students, faculty members, and the visiting students on healthcare systems, public health policies, and prison systems in the countries involved. In addition, visits were made to local prisons for oral swab collection for hepatitis C testing, analysis of biological samples, support for COVID-19 diagnosis at TecnoUnisc, and visits to other research and extension projects. Conclusion: The partnership between research and extension projects proved to be an incentive for promoting academic activities and student mobility, providing unique opportunities for sharing information and international experiences.


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How to Cite

Frighetto, I., Gassen Boeira, E. ., Göttems Vendrusculo, V. ., Peeters, N. ., Aalberg Rostvold, I. ., Darsie, C. ., Schwarzbold, P. ., & Gonçalves Possuelo, L. . (2023). INTERNATIONALIZATION AND ACADEMIC INTEGRATION: A REPORT ON THE INVOLVEMENT OF FOREIGN STUDENTS IN RESEARCH ON PRISON EDUCATION AND HEALTH . Revista Jovens Pesquisadores, 13(2), 45-54.