Antibiotic Dilution, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Knowledge-Based SystemAbstract
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) presents a highly challenging environment, where healthcare professionals constantly face pressures during their shifts, caring for extremely fragile newborn patients. One of the crucial procedures in the NICU is medication administration, which involves a series of complex processes. Dilution is one of these processes, requiring nursing professionals to perform precise calculations to determine the exact volume and concentration of the medication, in order to meet medical prescriptions and administer it correctly to the newborns. This work developed a Knowledge-Based System to assist in the calculation of antibiotic dilution prescribed for newborns admitted to the NICU at Santa Cruz Hospital (HSC). To achieve this goal, the Design Science Research (DSR) method was used. The first step involved conducting quantitative and qualitative research on related works. The stages of analysis, development, testing, and validation of the Medication Calculator system were carried out with the guidance and validation of experts in the Pharmacy and Nursing fields. As a result, tests demonstrated that the system provides the necessary support to professionals in the activity of calculating medication dilution, as well as offering greater safety, efficiency, and accessibility for this process.
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