Health Education, Hypertension, Obesity, Body Mass Index, Noncommunicable Diseases, Cardiovascular DiseasesAbstract
The Pro Health Project of UNISC - RS (University of Santa Cruz do Sul - Rio Grande do Sul) focused on addressing the interrelation between arterial hypertension and obesity through the analysis of data collected during three health fairs with the Santa Cruz community. Throughout these events, blood pressure measurements and anthropometric measurements of participants were carried out according to the Brazilian Guidelines for Hypertension (2020) and the Body Mass Index (BMI) and to assess the prevalence of these conditions in the local population. The results revealed that the majority of participants had blood pressure values within normal limits, although a significant portion were at risk of hypertension, and regarding anthropometric data, a considerable prevalence of obesity and overweight was observed in the evaluated sample. Additionally, the health fairs featured spaces dedicated to guidance and education on these comorbidities, aiming to foster the ideologies of health education and thus increase awareness, primary and secondary prevention, and appropriate treatment of hypertension and obesity, reducing morbidity and mortality.
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