

The objective of this work was to verify the efficiency of sampling methods, incidence and proportions of damages, as well as the population fluctuation of the rice stem borer (Diatraea saccharalis) in the flooded rice. Were performed visual sampling and entomological net. After the maturing of the grains samples were collected from stalks that were separated in attacked and non-attacked, allowing the extraction of the variables. Through the number of insects observed in the field was determined the population fluctuation. The data were submitted to simple linear correlation analysis. It was found that the increase of individuals in the area increases the proportions of damage to the crop, reducing its productivity. No individuals with entomological net were captured. The collection of samples added to the observation of adults in the field proved important for determining the actual infestation and estimated losses caused by the pest. It was verified that D. saccharalis attack occurs from the V3 stage of the culture persisting until the moment of harvest.


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How to Cite

Felisberto da Silva, F., Matos dos Santos, E., Souza Galvão Sena, E., Mateus Werner, F., & Cristiano Weber, N. (2022). AMOSTRAGEM, FLUTUAÇÃO POPULACIONAL E DANOS DA BROCA-DO-COLMO EM ARROZ IRRIGADO POR INUNDAÇÃO. Tecno-Lógica, 26(2), 188-195. Retrieved from



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