percolado, efluente, biodegradabilidade, processo oxidativo avançado, aterro sanitário,Abstract
The leachate generated on sanitary landfill by solid waste decomposition with rainfall water infiltration has high potential of pollution, due to high concentration of toxic substances and low biodegradability. The chemistry coagulation can be an alternative to treat effluents with these characteristics. The work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of Fenton process in the treatment of leachate landfill from urban solid waste. The leachate samples were collected from the controlled landfill of Santa Maria Council – RS. In the experiment were tested five treatments with different proportions of reagents (H2O2 e FeSO4) TH2O2/FeSO4: T0,8, T2,0, T3,0, T4,0 and T6,0. The experimental data with Fenton process showed an average removing efficiency on chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 47.9%, on the turbidity 53.0% and 70.7% for color. The average values of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and electric conductivity increased on 31.3% and 27.1%, respectively. On the leachate treatment with T0,8 notes the largest removal COD and higher increase biodegradability. The Fenton process applied to leachate treatment reduces the COD and increases the BOD, in the other words, increase the effluent biodegradability. This process can be used as a pre-treatment on a biological system for sanitary landfill effluents.Downloads
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How to Cite
Maus, V. W., da Costa, A. B., & Righes, A. A. (2009). URBAN SOLID WASTE LEACHATE TREATED BY FENTON PROCESS. Tecno-Lógica, 13(1), 52-59. https://doi.org/10.17058/tecnolog.v13i1.931
Environmental Technology
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