Tamoxifen treatment adherence assessment by women with breast cancer





Adesão à medicação. Antineoplásicos hormonais. Atenção Farmacêutica. Neoplasias de Mama. Oncologia.


Justification and objectives: oral antineoplastic therapy has advantages compared to other therapies for the treatment of cancer, as it is administered at home, in a simple and fast way. However, this therapy increases patients’ responsibility for their treatment, and compliance is critical to its effectiveness. Few studies are evident regarding pharmacotherapeutic follow-up in oral antineoplastic therapy. In this context, this study seeks to assess adherence to tamoxifen treatment in women with breast cancer, before and after pharmacotherapeutic follow-up. Methods: this is a randomized, quantitative clinical study. Data collection was carried out for six months. Random randomization was divided into a control group and a follow-up group, with the follow-up subdivided into before and after follow-up. The follow-up group received individual pharmaceutical interventions monthly. Adherence was assessed by The Brief Medication Questionnaire, Brazilian version and drug-related problems as to necessity, effectiveness, and safety. Results: after pharmaceutical follow-p, a difference was observed between the follow-up group and the control group regarding physical activity (p=0.043), treatment adherence (p=0.006), reduction of side effects (p=0.003) and associated diseases (p=0.002). The most frequent drug-related problems were safety and adherence, for which 54 pharmaceutical interventions were performed. The side effects described by patients mainly affected the genital system and gastrointestinal tract. Conclusion: it was evident that pharmacotherapeutic follow-up effectively contributed to adherence to treatment with tamoxifen and the pharmaceutical interventions performed contributed to prevention and reduction of drug-related problems.


Biografia do Autor

Caroline Oliveira Rangel, Universidade de Cruz Alta

Farmacêutica Mestre, Universidade de Cruz Alta, Cruz Alta, RS, Brasil

Christiane de Fátima Colet, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grade do Sul

Farmacêutica Doutora, docente do Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grade do Sul, Ijuí, RS, Brasil

Vanessa Adelina Casali Bandeira, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Farmacêutica Mestre, Docente do Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Ijuí, RS, Brasil

Gabriela Tassotti Gelatti, Universidade de Cruz Alta

Farmacêutica Mestre, Universidade de Cruz Alta, Cruz Alta, RS, Brasil

Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos Salazar, Universidade de Cruz Alta

Engenheiro Químico Doutor, docente da Universidade de Cruz Alta, Cruz Alta, RS, Brasil

Roberta Cattaneo Horn, Universidade de Cruz Alta

Farmacêutica Doutora, docente da Universidade de Cruz Alta, Cruz Alta, RS, Brasil



Como Citar

Rangel, C. O., Colet, C. de F., Bandeira, V. A. C., Gelatti, G. T., Salazar, R. F. dos S., & Horn, R. C. (2020). Tamoxifen treatment adherence assessment by women with breast cancer. Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infecção, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.17058/jeic.v10i1.13314

