
Número actual

Vol. 15 Núm. 1 (2025)


Enero - Marzo

Publicado: 2025-01-13


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The Journal of Epidemiology and Infection Control is the official publication of the Santa Cruz Hospital Epidemiology Center, Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and graduate program in Health Promotion Journal – Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. The editorial board is composed of professionals from various educational institutions and with a high critical ability and opinion former. This journal is one of the "vehicles" for the dissemination of experiences and scientific studies related to the issues of surveillance and the control of infection related to notifiable diseases, infectious diseases, occupational health and related areas. The Journal of Epidemiology and Infection Control is issued tri-annual with original experimental and clinical research articles, articles of systematic literature reviews, meta-analysis, opinion articles, communications, images and letters to the editor. In appropriate situations will be elaborated supplements with specific issues such as consensus, conference proceedings and special series. The goal is to support the dissemination of actions performed in Epidemiology aimed to contribute significantly to the understanding and control of health problems that affect society at different levels of health care. Please join us for this challenge and submit your research.

Directories Catalogs

Currently, Journal of Epidemiology and Infection Control is indexed on the following bases:
1. DOAJ - www.doaj.org
2. Diadorim - diadorim.ibict.br
3. Crossref - search.crossref.org/
4. Latindex - www.latindex.org
5. Redalyc - https://www.redalyc.org/
6. Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index - https://clarivate.com/
7. EZB Nutzeranfragen - http://rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de/ezeit/index.phtml
8. Google Acadêmico - https://scholar.google.com.br/
9. REDIB - https://www.redib.org/
10. CiteFactor - https://www.citefactor.org/
1. Sumários.Org - www.sumarios.org
2. LILACS - http://lilacs.bvsalud.org/
3. CUIDEN - https://cuiden.fundacionindex.com
1. Portal .periodicos. Capes - www-periodicos-capes-gov-br
2. LivRe - www.cnen.gov.br