Contributions of Bioecological Model to the Unemployment Research from a Family and Gender Perspective




Unemployment, Bioecological theory, Family dynamics, Gender


Unemployment as a psychological phenomenon becomes, in times of economic recession, an object of study of particular interest. Ample is the literature about the negative consequences of unemployment on the well-being of people in this situation. However, it is observed that a large number of studies focus only on the unemployed person, and as well on individual variables (such as age, sex, personality characteristics, and duration of unemployment, for example). This narrative literature review aims to present how the bioecological model can contribute to the analysis of the unemployment phenomenon, conferring it complexity and dynamism in the approach to this problem. The bibliographic search was performed on Academic Search Complete, PsycArticles, PsycInfo, Scielo, Scopus and SocIndex databases. Considering the family as a complex web of systemic relations, where interactions take place in a bidirectional way, their different subsystems are affected by external pressures, but they can also act proactively in the preservation of an internal balance of functioning. It was observed that gender is a significant dimension for the articulation between family and professional roles, being this a variable that crosses and conditions the unemployment experience in heteronormative families with greater adherence to traditional gender roles. This paper is part of the doctoral thesis of the author.


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Author Biography

Joyce Aguiar, Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto

Doutora em Psicologia pela Universidade do Porto, Portugal, em regime de dupla titulação com a Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil. 


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How to Cite

Aguiar, J. (2019). Contributions of Bioecological Model to the Unemployment Research from a Family and Gender Perspective. PSI UNISC, 3(1), 7-18.


