Social skills and coworking: possibility or necessity?




Social skills, Coworking, Interpersonal relationships.


Coworking is a worldwide trend that is growing in Brazil. More than a workplace, a collaborative, creative and innovative environment favors networking. However, for the person to enjoy these possibilities, it is necessary to have some social skills developed and applied. In this paper, we sought to understand how interpersonal relationships occur in coworking, what the quality of these relationships is like, and whether they depend on having a repertoire of previously developed social skills or whether coworking can be a place for developing social skills. For this, ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals from different areas working in a coworking, personally inviting each one of them. These interviews with them were explored through Bardin's Content Analysis (1977) under the categories of: (1) social skills, (2) unassertive / aggressive behaviors, (3) coworking view, and (4) others. A review is made of the main characteristics of coworking, which is pointed as a place that favors the feeling of community, as well as an understanding of the importance of social skills. As a result, it was found that both the prior development of social skills to integrate with coworking and the willingness of the professional to develop their social skills in coexistence with others who share the same space is necessary. It has concluded that this may be a field for psychologists to assist in the development of social skills.Coworking is a worldwide trend that is growing in Brazil. More than a workplace, a collaborative, creative and innovative environment favors networking. However, for the person to enjoy these possibilities, it is necessary to have some social skills developed and applied. In this paper, we sought to understand how interpersonal relationships occur in coworking, what the quality of these relationships is like, and whether they depend on having a repertoire of previously developed social skills or whether coworking can be a place for developing social skills. For this, ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals from different areas working in a coworking, personally inviting each one of them. These interviews with them were explored through Bardin's Content Analysis (1977) under the categories of: (1) social skills, (2) unassertive / aggressive behaviors, (3) coworking view, and (4) others. A review is made of the main characteristics of coworking, which is pointed as a place that favors the feeling of community, as well as an understanding of the importance of social skills. As a result, it was found that both the prior development of social skills to integrate with coworking and the willingness of the professional to develop their social skills in coexistence with others who share the same space is necessary. It has concluded that this may be a field for psychologists to assist in the development of social skills.


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Author Biographies

Luís Augusto Bohnenberger, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

Bacharel em Psicologia pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

Psicólogo Clínico

CRP 07/32075

Marina Pante, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

Doutora em Psicologia
Professora do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul


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How to Cite

Bohnenberger, L. A., & Pante, M. (2021). Social skills and coworking: possibility or necessity?. PSI UNISC, 5(2), 156-172.