The practices of the teachers cribiás: social representations and teacher training
Social representations, Teacher training, Early childhood educationAbstract
The present work describes the social representations on pedagogical practice as well as in contexts which are geared to changes in the field, keep in mind that for those who work in education, the process of teacher training Cribiás, wise children. The project works in order to publicize assumptions of the Historical-cultural Theory in order to guide practice in the context of early childhood education. They were examined for the social attitudes forged in the tensions experienced in the course of the process of the formation of the year by 2019. The study is of a qualitative nature, involving 26 professionals from the education, the participants of the project, they answered a questionnaire with open-ended questions and was applied to groups. The data for the analysis were subjected to interpretative analysis, based on a proposal from the meaning core, reveal that the formative process mobilized tension in the representational field oriented to changes in pedagogical practices in the field of early childhood education. Such changes affect both the cognitive, affective and attitudinal dimension, and may impact the identity constitutions of the professionals involved.
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