The presentification in time and space of the online psychological clinic: experience report
Psychotherapy, Psychosocial support systems, Online systems, Pandemic.Abstract
From one day to the next, we compulsorily started to attend our patients through a compute or a telefone, due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Challenges of an unprecedented context have been imposed in the field of clinical psychology and psychoanalysis. We entered an unknown time and space and, passing through it, we built other paths. Cartographic trails offered elements to think about psychotherapeutic relationships in a new moment and in a new space. Thus, from the experiences in the contexts of the private psychological clinic, and from the institutional psychological support online, this text aims to point out and discuss the worries I experienced, as well the questions raised, during the quarantine period. Through what I have called “the chronology of novelties of the resistance to surprises”, I approach the impacts felt in the online work mode. I have found horizontalities in the relationships marked by the asymmetry of the psychotherapeutic encounter, and I have recognized the body presence in the virtual connections.Downloads
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