Young perpetrators of sexual assault in the Metropolitan Mesoregion of Belém: profile and reports of violence
Young, Authors of Agression, Development Context, Adverse ExperiencesAbstract
The phenomenon of violence has always existed in
societies, regardless of the historical, cultural and social context. Sexual violence, in turn, is characterized as any action in which a person, in a situation of power, forces another to perform sexual practices, involving physical contact or not. According to records of complaints, children and adolescents are the main targets of this type of violation and young people are responsible for a significant portion of cases of aggression that infringe the sexual dignity of this same group. This article aims to analyze the development contexts of young perpetrators of sexual aggression, the risk factors present in their life trajectory and the categories that represent the reported experiences of violence. To this end, data collected from interviews with young people who were serving sociolegal measures in an institution dedicated to socioeducational care in the State of Pará were used. The four interviews carried out were with young males, between 16 and 19 years old, who grew up in environments where violence was frequent, intense and naturalized. These are
young people who, in addition to having been exposed to traumatic experiences in the family and community, had early contact with drug use, as reported. Knowing who they are and how they define violence can be seen as a strategy to bring policies closer to the real demands of this population.
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