Psychosocial risks and mental health in dockworkers: an exploratory systematic literature review




Exploratory systematic review, Psychosocial risks, Mental health at work, Dockworkers


Due the characteristics of work, the dock workers are exposed to psychosocial risk at work that can affect their mental health status. The aim of this study was to analyze the scientific literature about the psychosocial risk and mental health in dock workers across the world. It was conducted by Arksey & O’Malley (2005) proposal for scoping review of 5-step. It was carried out a thorough search on the databases Scielo, SCOPUS and WOS, that was resulted in, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 7 articles referrals of the research topic. Around of 71.4% of articles were guided by quantitative methods and the remaining of them by mixed methods. It wasn’t found qualitative articles in this research. Regarding psychosocial risk at work, it was identified high prevalence’s of workload, substance abuse, job strain, emotional and job exhaustion, and hostile workplace. Respect with mental health prevalence’s, three documents related with the topic had agreement according with high percentages of depressive’s episodes. The documents disposed in databases only approached to mental health topic as a variable derivate of general status of health and it wasn’t a principal focus of the research. Furthermore, it has been found a small number of articles related with the research topic. For that reason, as a conclusion, it’s necessary to carry out studies about psychosocial risk at work and mental health as a task that contributes to the knowledge in the area.


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Author Biography

José Matamala Pizarro, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Magíster en Psicología, mención comunitaria. Doctor (c) en Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.


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How to Cite

Lagos, A. B., & Matamala Pizarro, J. (2023). Psychosocial risks and mental health in dockworkers: an exploratory systematic literature review. PSI UNISC, 7(1), 07-18.


