The complaint and the demand in the pshycology service-school of Feevale University: a psychoanalytical perspective
School-service, Psychology, PsychoanalysisAbstract
The School-Services of Psychology constitute practical learning spaces for final-graduation students and also provide assistance to less privileged communities. In this study, which is part of a research in Psychoanalysis, we aim to identify the initial complaint for which people seek care at the School of Psychology Service of the Feevale University in the last three years and analyze whether there is a transformation of this complaint into a demand for treatment over the course of the sessions course of the sessions. This is a documentary research with a qualitative approach and the data collection was carried out through documents filed at the School-Service. For data analysis we used content analysis (Bardin, 2011). Two initial categories of analysis were established - initial complaint and transformation of the complaint into demand - along and three subcategories that emerged that emerged during the process of reading and analyzing the data: interpersonal conflict, losses and bereavements, and manifestations of anxiety. The main complaint of people among the among the sampled individuals was related to loss and grief, which may be associated with the current covid-19 pandemic. Regarding the transformation of the complaint, we observe that, in some cases, the complaint unfolds, through speech and listening, modifying the subject's position in relation to their suffering. In other cases, the complaint persists throughout the process, however , not without therapeutic effects. Research in psychoanalysis does not start from the search for unquestionable knowledge, it is through repositioning and constant movement that psychoanalytic practice and research itself can progress.
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