Apps to address the covid-19 pandemic in brazil: a systematic review
mhealth, Covid-19, mobile applications, systematic reviewAbstract
The development of applications for mobile devices (apps) is defined as one of the main strategies adopted by governments, health entities and companies in the fight against Covid-19 pandemic. The scientific literature on this technology results and mapping is still not consistent. In this sense, the present research aimed to track the apps that were developed to contribute to the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in the Brazilian context during the year of 2020 and to analyze their characteristics. The method used was guided by the literature systematic review model, applied in two online stores, Google Play (Android) and Apple Store (IOS). The keywords searched were "Coronavirus", "Covid-19", "SARS-CoV-2" and "social isolation", and we selected 31 apps after the refinement. The results suggest that the number of apps downloads is related to the target audience for which is intendent (general population/health professionals) and their scope (national/regional). The elaborated categories showed that the four main functionalities of the apps are related to information about the virus, user self-assessment, geolocation, and telehealth mechanisms. In addition, it was observed that the main apps developers were public government entities in collaboration with the private sector. It is essential that developers and public managers adopt measures that facilitate user adherence to apps, to enhance the reach of population to digital health.
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