Family insufficiency syndrome in the elderly: a scope review




elderly, family relations, social support, elder abuse


Aims: to investigate the aspects that characterize Family Insufficiency Syndrome (FIS) in the elderly community population. Method: Scoping Review, with a search in the PUBMED, SCOPUS, APA PSYCNET, CINAHL, LILACS and EMBASE databases. Documents were selected in Portuguese, English and Spanish, without restriction on year of publication. 467 documents had their titles and abstracts read, 180 of them being selected for full reading. After full reading, 79 documents were selected to compose the review. Results: social support in old age is influenced by macro to microsystemic elements that are dynamic and guide the elderly person's expectations of support, support-seeking and support-accepting behaviors. These expectations and behaviors also change depending on the type of support required and the availability of the support figure(s). With a multifactorial etiology, FIS is characterized by a mismatch between the support needs of the elderly person and the existence or availability of a social support network to serve them. FIS is established in situations where support networks are not activated to meet the needs of the elderly person or are activated inappropriately in terms of quality and/or intensity of support, compromising the autonomy and/or independence of the elderly person. Conclusions: macrosystemic changes have impacted different systemic dimensions of the elderly and contributed to the weakening of their social support. Investigating the elements that influence and characterize FIS will enable its adequate assessment and favor the development of effective interventions aimed at its management.


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Author Biographies

Michele Klotz da Rosa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Psychologist (PUC-RS), Specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (PUC-RS) and Master's Student in Biomedical Gerontology (PUC-RS). Member of the Life Cycle Assessment and Intervention Research Group. CNPq scholarship holder. Collaborator and Psychotherapist at the Longevity Center of the Center for Family and Individual Studies – CEFI. Lawyer (PUC-SP), with Executive MBA in Management (FGV-RJ) and Postgraduate in Economic and Business Law (FGV-SP).

Irani Iracema de Lima Argimon, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Psychologist (PUC-RS), Specialist in Applied Toxicology (PUC-RS). Master in Education (PUC-RS). PhD in Clinical Psychology (PUC-RS). Professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in Psychology (PUC-RS) and Postgraduate courses in Biomedical Gerontology (PUC-RS). Coordinator of the Life Cycle Assessment and Intervention Research Group (PUC-RS). CNPq Productivity Researcher.


Dan Roger Pozza, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Graduated in Psychology (PUC-RS) and Advertising, he works as a clinical psychologist, in addition to completing a doctorate in Clinical Psychology in the Assessment and Intervention in the Life Cycle research group at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (AICV-PUCRS). CAPES scholarship. Creator of the therapeutic game “Detox Game: Walking on the trails of abstinence” and since then has sought to develop interventions that combine the playful with the therapeutic as a way of enhancing engagement and psychoeducation in clinical work.

Pedro Henrique Dall’Onder Martins , Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Psychology student (PUC-RS), Scientific Initiation scholarship at the Life Cycle Assessment and Intervention Group and intern in Clinical Psychology at the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Center in the Customer Service and Research in Psychology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS).


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How to Cite

Rosa, M. K. da, Argimon, I. I. de L., Pozza, D. R., & Martins , P. H. D. (2025). Family insufficiency syndrome in the elderly: a scope review. PSI UNISC, 9, 01-31.


