Women’s vulnerability to anxiety in the covid-19 pandemic: systematic review
anxiety, women, risk dactors, Covid-19, emotional adjustmentAbstract
This article aimed to gather research on women's vulnerability to anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic.The method consisted of a scoping review. The databases Scopus, PsycINFO, Web of Science, PubMed, Scielo, and Pepsic were used. The PRISMA protocol and the Rayyan platform were used to select studies. After reading the titles, abstracts, and texts in full, and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 articles made up the final sample. The results were arranged into two categories: (1) social risk factors, (2) behavioral, psychological, and psychopathological risk factors. It was identified that 80% of research investigated social aspects of women's vulnerability to anxiety. Concern about job loss, domestic violence, loneliness, having previous diagnoses of mental disorders, and alcohol and tobacco consumption were factors associated with anxiety symptoms. The results of this research contribute to an understanding of female psychological suffering during the pandemic scenario. It is observed that the prevention of anxiety must take into account the available information about the risk factors that women are exposed to.
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