Leadership in disaster situations: integrative review
leadership, natural disasters, interventionAbstract
In the last 40 years, natural disasters have caused more than 3.3 million deaths worldwide, and each year, around 226 million people are affected by them, 102 million of which are due to hydrological events. This number indicates the need for actions to minimize their consequences on society and an important aspect to consider is leadership. Disaster situations require diverse leadership presence and responses and often include the need for flexibility and adaptability to make decisions quickly and marshal resources in a short space of time. The objective of this study is to present studies on leadership in the context of disasters to contribute to learning how to lead situations of this nature. An integrative review of studies published in the SCOPUS and Web of Science databases was carried out, found with the descriptors “disaster and leadership”, from 2020 to 2024. The search resulted in 198 articles. After reading the abstracts, it was possible to select 41 articles that met the objective of this study. It was possible to verify that the studies emphasize the need for training to face disasters as well as the importance of leadership in interventions related to disasters.
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