Intervention in parque farroupilha: psychology in the face of disasters and crisis situations
psychological intervention, natural disasters, emotional support, resilience, mental healthAbstract
This experience report describes a psychological intervention carried out in Farroupilha Park (Redenção Park) in the city of Porto Alegre, RS, in response to the floods that struck the state of Rio Grande do Sul in 2024. The action, conducted by eleven students and a professor from the Psychology course as part of an extension project, focused on providing emotional support to those affected by the disaster. Using technical resources such as active listening, psychosocial support, and the distribution of an informational booklet on mental health and psychological support locations, the initiative sought to offer support and raise awareness about the importance of emotional care in crisis situations. One hundred copies of the informational booklet were distributed, reaching a significant number of people directly affected by the initiative. Feedback received in situ allowed for an assessment of the activity's favorable responses and highlighted the importance of this project as a support network for the community. This report also reflects on the contributions of this experience to the academic and professional development of the participants, highlighting the importance of theoretical and methodological training in Psychology in the field of disaster response.
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