Longevity: Citizenship, Participation and Social Rights
Aging. Longevity. Citizenship. Participation and Social RightsAbstract
Longevity is undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements of mankind. The increase in the number of people in the highest age groups (+65) is essentially due to a set of public and social policies, which in the last decades were implemented in Portugal and which led to a reduction in mortality and consequently an increase in longevity. At the same time, it has unleashed major legislative challenges in the implementation of public policies that protect social and political rights. As citizens with full rights, it is the responsibility of the State to guarantee them, promoting the right to citizenship, dignity and civic participation in society. This article is based on a research project carried out with elderly people in a residential home, reflecting on the meanings they attribute to citizenship and participation, now that they are in the condition of "retired", “pensioners” and "Institutionalized".Downloads
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