Quality of life of elderly practitioners and non practitioners of physical activities
Old age. Quality of life. Physical activity.Abstract
This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life and the importance given to physical activity of the elderly. The study was a descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative design. The sample consisted of 52 elderly of both sexes participating and non-participating in Physical Activity groups. The instruments used were the WHOQOL-BREF and a closed questionnaire. Comparisons of the areas of quality of life between age groups were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, and between sex and physical activity using the Mann-Whitney test. The results marked the sample with an average of 74.2 years, represented with 92.2% female. On the Quality of Life there is a predominance of psychological domain 79.1%, followed by the social sector, with 76.3%, environmental and physical domain, com 69,4% and 69.0%, respectively. Considering the results of the variable physical activity was no significant difference between the average of the areas between those who practice or no physical activity. Thus, actively participate in a group had a positive influence on the old assessment on their quality of life as it provides a social support and help to strengthen the sense of personal worth.Downloads
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