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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original, authorial, unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The article is appropriate to the scope of the Journal.
  • There is no identification of authorship in the file and in file property options, ensuring anonymity criteria.
  • Submission files are in Microsoft Word format (as long as they do not exceed 10MB).
  • The URLs for the references are informed and accompanied by the respective access data to the work. All links to Internet pages (URLs) are informed, and included in references. They are available to click for access. If you increase the DOI in the references of articles in digital format, you will see.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the template available (see “About”, section “submissões”, on the Reflexão e Ação magazine site).
  • The title, the abstract and the key words are equivalent in Portuguese, Spanish and English, according to the template.
  • The metadata is correctly included in the system, there are no pending issues regarding the authors of the submission and other collaborators.
  • The author(s) and co-authors informed their ORCID record in the submission metadata, their respective titles and institutional ties.
  • At the time of submission, two supplementary documents are included: 1) a Declaration of revision of the linguistic aspects of the text signed by a professional trained in the Language Area; 2) a Declaration of translation of the title, abstract and keywords into the two foreign languages signed by a competent professional.
  • The sources of financing and support for the work are provided in a footnote inserted in the title, presenting the name of the institutions and/or funding agencies, when applicable.

Author Guidelines

1. The journal Reflexão e Ação receives unpublished articles from Brazilian and foreign author(s), who deal with education, resulting from researches, theoretical studies, reflections on practices and polemic discussions. The contribution must be original and new, not being published or being under evaluation in another journal or annals of events.
The manuscripts received by Reflexão e Ação are submitted to the text comparison tool Similiarity Check, distributed by iThenticate. The journal condemns unethical practices and assumes that the authors ensure the originality of the document and explicit the use of information of other author(s) appropriately acknowledged. Consequently, it´s possible that some authors receive some questionings during the evaluation process of the work submitted, referring to possible nonconformities appointed by the tool employed. In the face of inappropriate practices being confirmed, the author(s) involved will receive a rejection notice and the archiving of the work.
Due to the importance in identifying the author(s) with greater accuracy, Reflexão e Ação journal requires that the author(s) include the ORCID in their metadata at the moment they submit the manuscripts. This identifier individualizes the researcher, distinguishing one from the other and at the same time avoiding problems with ambiguities on the entries and spelling of the same name. Another important characteristic is that ORCID is unrestricted and allows the exchange of metadata.
Using an ORCID ID, the researchers are connected with their activities, research results, publications and affiliations. The ORCID register can be obtained at no charge at the site
2. Reflexão e Ação does not accept submissions of theses or dissertations chapters, research reports and conclusion works. If a preliminary or reduced version of the work has been published in annals of events or other means, this must be informed at the moment of the submission. The relevance of the submitted text will be under evaluation by the journal editors.
3. Articles from PhD researchers can be submitted, master’s and PhD candidates, and also master´s students, as long as the articles are written in co-authorship with at least one PhD author. The maximum number of authors per article is three. The metadata of each author must be correctly filled in.
4. Author(s) should respect the 18-month interstice between the publication of an original from his/her authorship or co-authorship and the submission of a new article; in addition, there should not be more than one article participating of an evaluation process.
5. The articles can be submitted in the languages Portuguese, English and Spanish.
6. The articles must have between 35,000 (thirty-five thousand) and 45,000 (forty-five thousand) characters with spaces, including the bibliographical references, notes and abstracts. In the body of the text the Arial Unicode font must be used, size 10 and simple spacing. Besides that, the direct quotations (long ones) must be 4 cm indented, size 8 font and multiple spaces 0,7 among the lines.
7. The title of the article must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and it must contain a maximum of 100 characters with spaces. The title in the original language must have the following configurations: Arial Unicode font, size 11 and in bold type style. The other languages must follow the pattern: Adobe Devanagari font, size 9, in italic style.
8. The section titles must obey the following configurations: Arial Unicode font, size 10, left-aligned and bold type style.
9. The first page of the text must contain the title of the work, the name(s) of the author and co-author(s) with the initial capital letters and the others in lowercase. Each author should receive a footnote with the following information: Institution – Institution´s acronym – City – State – Country - ORCID.
10. The first page of the text also must present the ABSTRACT in Portuguese, Spanish and English, as long as each one of them does not exceed 700 characters, including spaces, written in a single paragraph, followed by up to five keywords. Those in Portuguese must necessarily present a version of the title of the article, abstract and keywords in English and Spanish. Articles in a foreign language must necessarily present a version of the title of the article, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
11. The references (may they be bibliographical, media or others) must be in alphabetic order, Arial Unicode font, size 10, simple space, at the end of the article, in accordance with the ABNT norms (NBr 6023, 2002).
12. Add the DOI address in the references or articles in digital format, if there is one.
13. Figures and tables [indicate source (bibliographical data, author, date, title, page)], should be done using Arabic numbers, consecutively, whenever possible, in the order in which they appear in the text. For all the references to the illustrations on the text, use respectively, the abbreviations Fig. and Tab. The subtitles should be presented separated on paper.

14. Interviews must be between 35,000 and 45,000 characters with spaces. In the body of the text, the font Arial Unicode MS, size 10 and single spacing should be used. The title of the interview must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and contain a maximum of 100 characters with spaces, in Arial Unicode MS font, size 11 and bold style.

15. Reviews must have between 12,000 and 15,000 characters with spaces, including bibliographic references and notes. In the body of the text, the font Arial Unicode MS, size 10 and single spacing should be used. The title must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and contain a maximum of 100 characters with spaces, in Arial Unicode MS font, size 11 and bold style. In addition, direct quotations (long) must have a 4 cm indentation, font size 8 and multiple spaces 0.7 between lines.
15. Drawings, graphs and maps should be digitalized in high resolution, under evaluation of the editor(s).

The editors reserve the right to make small changes in the originals, aiming for the maintenance of the publication standards. Substantial changes will be made by the author(s), who will receive copies of the evaluations with the respective suggestions. Orientations for the application of the ABNT Norms
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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be exclusively used for the services performed by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or any other third parties.