
  • Jose Alejandro Tasat Universidad Tres de Febrero



Geoculture, Rodolfo Kusch, American thought, Coloniality of knowledge.


For the Argentine thinker Rodolfo Kusch, if there is no symbolic horizonif there is no symbolic horizon, no ground, then there is nothing to be decided. That is to say, there is no cultural subject, only the shared symbolic meaning between the narrative of modernity and coloniality which coexist in the American community in a dual form, where the natural is culturalized and the cultural is naturalized allowing the condition where the shared symbol in a territory gives magnitude and value to the community spell. The contributions of anthropology and psychoanalysis gave the cleavage of nature to culture, and the legal aspect of the act make invisible the natural right in the social right, leading to a social, complex, diverse and pluricultural bond, in permanent movement. It’s about leaving the triad that underlies the action of modernity, being / essence / concept, to position ourselves as Cullen says in the triad: living / stay / symbol. Kusch had initially formulated the idea of the project to locate the condition of being from denial. Clearly the denial in Kusch does not deny, but opens a different reference of being.


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Author Biography

Jose Alejandro Tasat, Universidad Tres de Febrero

Licenciado en Psicología, UBA, y Doctor en Educación, UNTREF/UNLA. Ha sido coordinador del Libro El Hedor de América: Reflexiones interdisciplinaria a 50 años de la América Profunda de Rodolfo Kusch -EDUNTREF-CCC, 2013, de Pensar América: pensadores latinoamericanos en diálogo – 2015 y Arte, estética, literatura y teatro en Rodolfo Kusch - 2016. Es Autor de Introducción al Análisis de las Políticas Públicas UNTREF VIRTUAL, 2002 y de Análisis Situacional de las Organizaciones, EDUNTREF 2009. Es autor de Políticas culturales públicas, culturales locales y diversidad cultural, EDUNTREF 2014 y del Dossier sobre el Pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch del Cuaderno de Políticas Culturales: Indicadores Culturales 2014 - EDUNTREF. Es el Coordinador General del Programa Pensamiento Americano, de las Jornadas el Pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch 2012-2018, del 1º y 2º Congreso Internacional Interdisciplinar de Pensamiento Crítico, de las Jornadas Pensar América 2013/2017. Coordinador de la Plataforma Educativa Pensar en Movimiento



How to Cite

Tasat, J. A. (2018). THE NATURE OF CULTURE: THE COEXISTENCE OF ANTAGONISMS. Reflexão E Ação, 26(3), 82-90.



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