Education as critical and citizen formation

the experience of the Zandoná School, Barra Funda/RS




School. Citizenship. Democracy. Critical education. Participatory management.


The experience of Escola Zandoná, Barra Funda/RS, shows that it is possible to think of school education as the intellectual, ethical, political, and artistic formation of new generations. These multiple dimensions have been integrated into a political-pedagogical project built in dialog with the social organizations in the town and region. Part of this construction is the definition of the generating themes, the continuing education of teachers, and the development of an investigative spirit that allowed the school to win many awards in science fairs. What are the risks of this experience succumbing to the neoliberal impositions that are entering the school?


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Author Biographies

Telmo Marcon, Universidade de Passo Fundo

Doutor em História Social pela PUC/SP. Pós-doutorado em Educação intercultural pela UFSC. Professor e pesquisador na Faculdade de Educação e no PPGEDU/UPF (mestrado e doutorado).

Karine Piaia, Escola estadual de educação básica Antônio João Zandoná

Graduada em Letras pela UPF, especialista em gestão educacional pela UFSM e mestrado em Educação no PPGEDU da UPF. Coordenadora pedagógica da escola estadual  de educação básica Antônio João Zandoná.

Consuelo Cristine Piaia, Unideau-Getúlio Vargas/RS e UFFS, Erechim

Graduada em História e Pedagogia, especialista em História Regional, mestrado e doutorado em Educação pelo PPGEDU da Universidade de Passo Fundo. Professora na Unideau-Getúlio Vargas/RS e UFFS, Erechim.



How to Cite

Marcon, T., Piaia, K., & Piaia, C. C. (2022). Education as critical and citizen formation: the experience of the Zandoná School, Barra Funda/RS. Reflexão E Ação, 30(3), 106-121.



Dossiê: Alternativas Pedagógicas e Prospectivas Educacionais na América Latina