gay, escola, identidade, queer, diferença.Abstract
This article presents the considerations and analysis that make part of my research in process in a public school. The construction of this research dues its first move to views of discomfort and homofobia related to a specific group of three gay students in a school where I work as a teacher. I realize that the presence of that group disarrenges the school quotidian and I develop my argumentation on the unfixing potencial of those individuals, intending to think the unthinkable about the school curriculum. This work starts on the visibility of a sexual identity that runs away from the heterossexual rule and challenges the education tendency to normality. The way this gay group stands and constructs their bodies allow them to cross the borders of male/female, pointing out the non-natural caracter of sexual and gender identities based on biology, presenting themselves as diference that scapes from binary classifications. One of the references of this research is the thinking of Michel Foucault, specially when talking about the historical and discursive construction of concepts such as sexuality, identity, diference and normality that have been used to create and maintain patterns of conduct. When driving these problematization to the school context, I consider the queer theorization useful to think the possibility of a non heteronormative education, that would be able to produce diferences and desconstruct identities instead of cristalize them.Downloads
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