Geoprocessing and prevalence of incomplete prenatal booklets and gestational diabetes screening in a southern Brazilian University Hospital


  • Clarice dos Santos Mottecy UNISC
  • Patricia Molz UNISC
  • Raquel Montagner Rossi UFSM
  • Itamar dos Santos Riesgo UFSM
  • João Francisco Piovezan Ramos UFSM
  • Daniel Prá UNISC
  • Silvia Isabel Rech Franke UNISC



Pregnancy, Prenatal Care, Gestational Diabetes, Spatial Distribution


Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of an incomplete prenatal booklet and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) screening of postpartum women in a southern Brazilian University Hospital, relating to the municipality of origin and the neighborhood in which they live. Methods: cross-sectional study, including 283 postpartum women, aged over 18 years and who had their births at the University Hospital of Santa Maria/Brazil from January to April 2015. An incomplete prenatal booklet was defined in the absence of any data referring to the obstetric history and the current pregnancy, as well as the lack of identification of the pregnant woman and the Health Unit where prenatal care was performed. For GDM screening, information on fasting blood glucose and risk factors collected from the postpartum women was used. The SPSS 20.0 program was used for descriptive statistics and the Geolocation maps were separated by municipalities of origin and by neighborhoods where the prenatal care of the puerperal women occurred and plotted according to the variables evaluated, using the ArcGIS 10.3 software. Results: the prevalence of an incomplete prenatal booklet was 79.2%, while prevalence of positive GDM screening was 73.9%. The geolocation pointed out 14 municipalities of origin and six neighborhoods where prenatal care had the highest prevalence of incomplete prenatal booklets. For GDM screening, spatial distribution showed ten municipalities of origin and four neighborhoods with a higher prevalence of positive screening for GDM. Conclusion: the geolocation showed that 14 municipalities of origin and six neighborhoods had the highest prevalence of incomplete prenatal booklets. In addition, ten municipalities of origin and four neighborhoods presented with higher prevalence of positive screening for GDM.


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How to Cite

Mottecy, C. dos S., Molz, P., Rossi, R. M., Riesgo, I. dos S., Ramos, J. F. P., Prá, D., & Franke, S. I. R. (2021). Geoprocessing and prevalence of incomplete prenatal booklets and gestational diabetes screening in a southern Brazilian University Hospital. Revista Interdisciplinar De Promoção Da Saúde, 3(2), 67-74.

