Abbreviation of fasting and clinical factors in the intraoperative period of patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Perioperative care, Cardiac surgery, FastAbstract
Introduction: surgeries lead to a metabolic response to trauma, which is enhanced by prolonged preoperative fasting, including cardiac surgery. Objective: to verify transoperative blood glucose values in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, with the abbreviation of preoperative fasting time. Method: this was a comparative, non-interventionist study in which patients were allocated into group A (n=20) who performed conventional fasting and group B (n=20) who performed abbreviated fasting with oral intake of carbohydrate solution (12.5% maltodextrin) 2 hours before cardiac surgery. Results: there was no significant difference in glycemia in the transoperative period between the evaluated groups. An intraoperative glycemia was found with values close to the recommendations, with a target range of 140 mg/dL. In the postoperative period, higher blood glucose values were observed, but within the target of up to 180 mg/dL. Conclusion: the abbreviation of preoperative fasting with the offer of liquids with carbohydrates was safe and can be practiced. Regarding glycemia in the transoperative period, the practice of abbreviation and disuse of conventional fasting can be performed.
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