STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMS NO CENTRO CIRÚRGICO: identificando as demandas de uma instituição do Sul do Brasil
Stewardship programs on the surgicenter: identifying the demands of an institution of south Brazil
Gestão de Antimicrobianos , Antibioticoprofilaxia, Centro Cirúrgico HospitalarAbstract
Objective: The purpose of this study was to verify the adequacy of the antimicrobial prophylaxis realized at an operating toom of Rio Grande do Sul. Methods: transversal, observational and retrospective study where secondary data of patients submitted to surgical procedures were analyzed. The therapeutic scheme and moment of administration were characterized, as well as the demographic information of the patients. Results: 54 procedures were analyzed, of which 51 patients received Cephazolin and were mostly heart surgeries. There was variation in the doses administered and 16 patients received the prophylaxis within 30 minutes before the incision. 52 patients used postoperative prophylaxis, of which 48 received Cephalothin as antimicrobial and 35 extended the prophylaxis for 2 days. It was also observed inconsistency of the posology prescribed. It was verified the incorrect filling of the electronic medical record of some patients and absence of data. Conclusion: the prophylaxis of preoperative was appropriate to the institutional protocol for the selection of the antibiotic. There was inconsistence regarding the moment and dose, as well as the posology and days of use of the extended prophylaxis.
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