PET-Saúde management: an experience report on monitoring the health indicators of Previne Brasil in the municipality of Santa Cruz do Sul - RS


  • Djennifer Raquel da Rosa Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC
  • Amanda Regina Matte
  • Luma Ramos Azambuja
  • Natália Madalosso
  • Tatiane Belinazo
  • Denise Henriqson
  • Eunice Maria Viccari
  • Camila Dubow



Primary Health Care, Health Management, Health Indicators, Health Education


Introduction: PET-Saúde is a work-based education strategy that integrates teaching, service, and community. In 2022, the 10th edition focused on the theme "Health Management and Health Care and their interfaces," articulating the services of the Unified Health System and Higher Education Institutions to prepare future healthcare professionals for roles in health management and care. Objective: to report the actions developed by PET-Saúde Management in monitoring indicators of Previne Brazil at the municipal level. Method: a descriptive study, in the form of an experience report, conducted by PET-Health Management from August 2022 to July 2023. The activities involved monitoring seven indicators of the Previne Brasil Program in health units in a municipality in southern Brazil and developing explanatory materials on the themes of the indicators. Results: the monitoring helped 32 units and included the elaboration of 7 cards and a booklet distributed to health teams. Regarding the final synthetic index, an improvement was observed from 6.62 and 7.03 in the 2nd and 3rd four-month periods of 2022, to 8.03 in the 1st four-month period of 2023, reflecting the increase in financial benefits destined to the municipality, qualifying the services offered in Primary Health Care. Conclusion: the achieved results reflect the integration between the scholarship recipients and healthcare professionals, showing that joint action ensures a holistic and complementary approach to achieving a more robust and high-quality healthcare system, as well as providing a distinctive form of training for those involved.


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How to Cite

Raquel da Rosa, D., Matte, A. R. ., Ramos Azambuja, L. ., Madalosso, N. ., Belinazo, T. ., Henriqson, D. ., Viccari, E. M. ., & Dubow, C. . (2025). PET-Saúde management: an experience report on monitoring the health indicators of Previne Brasil in the municipality of Santa Cruz do Sul - RS. Revista Interdisciplinar De Promoção Da Saúde, 8(1), 141-150.

