The epidemiological profile of gestational and congenital syphilis in the municipality of Esteio
Syphilis, Pregnancy, Congenital SyphilisAbstract
Introduction: the Brazil has recorded an increase in the incidence of gestational and congenital syphilis, proving to be a serious public health problem in the country. Objective: The study aims to identify the epidemiological profile of pregnant women with syphilis in the city of Esteio/RS. Method: This is a retrospective, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, with 79 cases of users with gestational syphilis, carried out based on notification records and medical records of pregnant women and their newborns who sought care at health units, in period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022. Results: The highest occurrence of syphilis occurred in young women with 58.1% between 14 and 25 years old; 20.37% have incomplete primary education and in 39.2% of cases this indicator is ignored; more than 70.0% of the treatments performed were considered adequate. Adequately treated partners represent 43% of the sample, but 35.5% did not undergo treatment. Yet, 89.9% of pregnant women underwent treatment during prenatal care, of which 62% underwent treatment in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. In newborns whose mothers were VDRL positive, 49.4% of them were exposed to congenital syphilis and 24% had no records. Still, 68.3% of newborns were exempt from treatment. Conclusion: In this research, the fragility of properly completing notifications was found, with incomplete or incorrect data, hindering the development of actions to prevent, combat and control maternal and congenital syphilis.
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