Occupational accidents with sharps involving healthcare professionals: an integrative literature review
Occupational Accident, Health Personnel, Occupational Accidents Registry, Needlestick InjuriesAbstract
Introduction: work is a central element in society, through the generation of income, employment, professional growth and human relationships that are established. However, it can be a central factor in the origin of work accidents, including those that occur with healthcare professionals due to exposure to biological material. Work accidents can cause significant damage to health and deteriorate the quality of life of these workers. Objective: review and analyze national and international scientific production on the characteristics of work accidents caused by sharps involving health professionals. Methodology: integrative literature review study, searching for articles published between 2018 and 2023, with the descriptors “Health Personnel” and “Occupational Accidents” and their equivalents in English, in the databases Web of Science, PubMed and Scopus. Content Analysis was used to analyze and discuss the data, with the results divided into four thematic fields. Based on a critical analysis of the 768 articles identified, 31 articles were selected for eligibility assessment, resulting in a total of six articles included in the study. Results: the importance of preventing these accidents in the healthcare sector is highlighted, especially among the nursing team, who are the most affected professionals. Factors such as the practice of recapping contaminated needles, poor lighting in patient beds and the lack of training activities regarding the handling of sharps are important in the occurrence of these accidents. There is an emphasis on the need for educational strategies for prevention measures such as the use of PPE, with shared responsibility between managers and workers and adequate clinical-laboratory monitoring after occupational exposure. Final considerations: the study highlighted the importance of addressing aspects of worker safety and accident prevention in the workplace, especially in the health sector.
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