Epidemiological profile of admissions for obesity: an analysis of brazilian regions
Obesidade, Hospitalização, SaúdeAbstract
Introduction: obesity is portrayed in the literature as a worldwide epidemic that is difficult to control. The negative consequences of this problem for the population's health justify managers' concern for its prevention and treatment, making it a public health priority. Objective: to know the epidemiological profile of hospitalizations for obesity in the regions of Brazil, between the years 2019 and 2023, for females and males in the categories: childhood and pre-adolescence, adolescence and adults and the elderly. Method: A cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study was carried out, with data on hospital admissions from the SUS Hospital Internation System (SIH) aggregated by region. The calculation of the coefficient of variability (CV%) of the hospitalizations was carried out for each region. Results: The region with the greatest variability in the number of hospitalizations in childhood and pre-adolescence for the female sex was the Southern region (CV% = 20.04), while for the male sex it was the Northern region (CV% = 27.75). In the adolescence and adults category, the greater variability for the female sex was also in the Southern region (CV% = 6.67) and for the male sex in the Northern region (CV% = 6.62). The Northern region presents a greater variability in the number of hospitalizations of children, both for the female sex (CV% = 11.22) and for the male sex (CV% = 9.36). Conclusion: A large number of hospitalizations related to obesity have been observed in all regions of the country. Showing the need for public health policies aimed at modifying this scenario.
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