DOI: clave:
Motor Activity, Health, Adolescent BehaviorResumen
Introduction: The frequency in physical education (PE) classes, beyond being low, tends to decrease with the passing of school years, suggesting an understanding of the factors for possible intervention. Objective: The objective of this study was determining the prevalence and risk factors associated with absence in PE classes. Method: In the research, 3.992 students were investigated about participation in PE classes, socioeconomic, demographic, and behavioral conditions. Results: The results revealed that 25.7% of students are absent in PE classes. Skin color, religious observance, household situation and shift study were associated with the outcome (absence in PE classes). Between girls, the outcome was associated with skin color, religious observance, situation of domicile and period of study; whereas for boys, only the situation of domicile and the period of study. Conclusion: One could conclude that the absence in PE classes is relatively high and that girls showed more associated risk factors.
Keywords: Motor Activity; Health; Adolescent Behavior.
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