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Prenatal booklet, Gestation, Mother, Women’s HealthResumen
Introduction: the purpose of prenatal care is to identify risk factors in a timely manner in order to take action to prevent disease and maintain a high level of attention to maternal and child health during pregnancy. While there has been increasing quality and access to maternal health care globally, many times the level of adequacy of Prenatal Care is unfortunately inappropriate or insufficient. Objective: to evaluate the adequacy of prenatal care for puerperae of the Basic Health Network in a Southern Brazilian University Hospital and associated it with sociodemographic and health determinants. Method: prospective cross-sectional study, with information obtained through a questionnaire/interview, medical record and the pregnant card of the mothers admitted to the Obstetrics Service in a Southern Brazilian University Hospital. Results: overall, 61.1% of the women reported starting prenatal care before the 14th-week of pregnancy, with prenatal care considered as adequate in 67.0% of women. Adequate prenatal care was associated with first pregnancy, planned pregnancy and higher gestational age. Inadequate prenatal care, on the other hand, was associated with a higher number of pregnancies, low education, lower gestational age, and an incomplete prenatal booklet. Conclusion: inadequate prenatal care was associated with multiparity, educational level, gestational age and an incomplete prenatal booklet.
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