The New Threats in the Context of the New World Order


  • Sheila Baptista Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane



Actors, States, Globalization, New Threats , Treaty


The post-cold war led to the establishment of a New World Order where the world becomes multipolar, with the emergence of new threats due to the weakening of institutions, promoted by growing social inequalities, dependence of peripheral countries in relation to the central ones, allied to technological revolution and globalization. This article aims to address the emergence and causes of new threats and possible solutions. The study was based on neorealist, constructivist and Copenhagen School theory; and used the historical-deductive and comparative methods, with bibliographic review techniques and secondary sources. The conclusion indicates that the solution to the new threats involves cooperation between States in the elaboration of global policies for security and peace, creation of intelligence services constituted by several countries, promotion of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, elaboration of strategies to combat the possible state sources of its funding to avoid a war


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How to Cite

Baptista, S. (2022). The New Threats in the Context of the New World Order. Ágora, 24(2), 36-53.


