Insertion of Mozambique in Regional and Global Energy Geopolitics: Challenges and Prospects of Autonomy


  • Carmona Bila



Geopolitics, Geopolitical Energy, Energy Resources, Autonomy , Insertion


The article reflect on the process of insertion of Mozambique in the Regional Energy Geopolitics in the midst of a global change in the energy paradigm. Using historical and comparative methods and bibliographic techniques, the article makes an analysis based on the constructivist theory of International Relations (IR), try to explain the influence of a State, of the objective and subjective capabilities, necessary to establish interdependent bridges between States with converging interests. The main finding produced is that Mozambique does not have its own philosophy for energy autonomy. The nonexistence of a philosophy is the result of a war-oriented economic structure that emerged and dominated the first two decades after national independence. Therefore, thirty years have passed since peace was reached and there is no regional and global energy projection.

bridges between States with converging interests. The main finding produced is that Mozambique does not have its own philosophy for energy autonomy. The lack of a philosophy is the result of a war-oriented economic structure that emerged and dominated the first two decades after national independence. Therefore, another thirty years have passed since peace was reached and there is no regional and global energy projection.


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How to Cite

Bila, C. (2022). Insertion of Mozambique in Regional and Global Energy Geopolitics: Challenges and Prospects of Autonomy. Ágora, 24(2), 20-35.


