Women's role in managing small family farms in the semiarid region
traditional knowledge, innovations, climate changeAbstract
The reality experienced by rural women is influenced by a set of social, economic, environmental and cultural aspects, which allows us to understand their role in relation to their condition and how life is reproduced. The aim of this study is to analyze and discuss the contribution of women in agricultural management, based on the question: Has the role of women in agricultural management resulted in innovation in management strategies? The methodology consisted of a systematic literature review combining the index terms rural women and management strategies. 801 studies were found and, by excluding repetitions, divergence from the scope of the proposal and non-adherence to the research, 33 articles were selected for discussion. It was identified that climate change and technological innovations are pertinent issues for the strategies developed by women in rural areas, especially in the semi-arid region. Women contribute to agricultural management and this has resulted in innovative strategies, with agricultural practices intrinsically related to their work. However, even though women's participation is essential, studies need to contribute to actions that propose a different way of life for these women, with fair social gender relations, autonomous work and appreciation, understanding the role they play in agroecosystems and society in general.
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