The people’s health movement: an alternative to the globalization of health


  • Ravi Narayan SOCHARA, Bangalore Past Global Secretary, People's Health Movement
  • Claudio Schuftan Member Steering Council People's Health Movement
  • Mariana da Rosa Martins Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Palabras clave:

Saúde Global, Participação da Comunidade, Organização Mundial da Saúde


This essay presents the People’s Health Movement, created in the year 2000, in the first People’s Health Assembly, and the work of its activists for "Health for All". The People’s Health Movement is a civil society initiative to counter the ill effects of globalization on health and health care. To fulfill its aim, the efforts that led to the creation of this network of activists are made explicit and the People’s Charter for the Health, a statement that explains the vision, objectives, principles and calls for action of the members of the People’s Health Movement. To conclude, the main activities already carried out by the global network of health activists are approached.


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Cómo citar

Narayan, R., Schuftan, C., & Martins, M. da R. (2018). The people’s health movement: an alternative to the globalization of health. Ágora, 20(2), 06-13.



Dossiê: Geografia e Saúde: uma aproximação possível e relevante