The proportionality of measures to contain the pandemic of COVID-19: an empirical analysis of Brazil




The paper seeks to answer, from  empirical research with a qualitative approach, if there was proportionality in the adoption of measures to combat the pandemic of COVID-19 in Brazil in the years 2020 and 2021. It was assumed that the measures were proportional, as advocated by Carvalho Filho (2020) in the theoretical field. Using the indirect data collected, the measures were analyzed by the deductive method in the way that the higher the number of daily deaths, the more justifiable would be the adoption of restrictive measures to a greater extent; conversely, their adoption even with a low number of deaths could be considered abuse of power by the State. To this end, the work was based on studies on the essential core of the right to health by Duarte (2020) and on emergency powers by Ginsburg and Versteeg (2020), in addition to research and recommendations in the health field. It was concluded that there was disproportionality in the adoption of the measures, once the most restrictive to individual rights measures were prioritized over able to combat the pandemic and least restrictive measures.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Lima Miranda Gonçalves Fagundes, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Mestrando em Direito e Inovação na Faculdade de Direito da UFJF. Bolsista do Programa de Apoio à Pós-Graduação da FAPEMIG.  Pós-graduando em Direito Administrativo na PUC - Minas. Advogado. Bacharel em Direito pela UFJF. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora – MG (Brasil).

Luciana Gaspar Melquíades Duarte Duarte, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Doutora em Direito Público pela UFMG, mestra em Direito Administrativo pela UFMG e bacharela em Direito pela UFJF. Professora adjunta de Direito Constitucional e Administrativo da UFJF. Professora do Mestrado em Direito e Inovação na mesma instituição. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora – MG (Brasil).



How to Cite

Fagundes, G. L. M. G. ., & Duarte, L. G. M. D. (2022). The proportionality of measures to contain the pandemic of COVID-19: an empirical analysis of Brazil. Revista Do Direito, (66), 64-90.


