The daily life of the family living with a crack user




Cocaína crack. Drogas ilícitas. Família. Relações familiares. Enfermagem.


Background and objectives: Drug use is considered a public health problem due to the physical, biological, psychological and social repercussions caused by this phenomenon in the lives of users and society in general. The aim of this study was to describe the daily life of the family living with a crack user. Methods: This is an exploratory-descriptive qualitative study. Data were collected through a focus group with ten family members of crack addicts admitted to a drug detox treatment unit in a hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. Data were analyzed according to content analysis. Results: Based on the analysis of results, two categories emerged, namely “Feelings of family members” and “Living with concerns”. Conclusion: Crack addiction weakens family relationships and disrupts the family and social life.


Author Biographies

Daiana Foggiato de Siqueira, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões. Santiago, RS, Brasil.

Docente da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões. Santiago, RS, Brasil.

Claudete Moreschi, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões. Santiago, RS, Brasil.

Docente da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões. Santiago, RS, Brasil.

Dirce Stein Backes, Centro Universitário Franciscano- UNIFRA. Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

Docente do Centro Universitário Franciscano- UNIFRA. Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

Luís Felipe Pissaia, Universidade do Vale do Taquari – Univates. Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

Docente da Universidade do Vale do Taquari – Univates. Lajeado, RS, Brasil.



How to Cite

de Siqueira, D. F., Moreschi, C., Backes, D. S., & Pissaia, L. F. (2021). The daily life of the family living with a crack user. Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infecção, 11(2).

