Sepsis mortality and the Human Development Index in Brazilian capitals: 1990-2016
Determinantes Sociais da Saúde, Mortalidade, Sepse.Abstract
Background and Objectives: the Human Development Index is among the determinants associated with access to health services and sepsis assistance. This study aimed to describe the frequency of mortality from sepsis in Brazilian capitals and verify its correlation with the Human Development Index (HDI), in three-year periods that represented from the early 90’s to 2016. Methods: a time series ecological epidemiology study, with consultation in secondary database involving Brazilian capital variables, population, deaths from sepsis and HDI. Correlation was assessed with Pearson’s/Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Results: the three highest mean coefficients of mortality from sepsis were observed in Rio Branco (9082.50), Manaus (6367.25) and Macapá (6085.25). A significant correlation was found between the mean mortality rate and the mean HDI in Aracaju (-0,999; p=0.001), Brasília (-0,991; p=0.009), Campo Grande (-0,977; p=0.023), Cuiabá (-0.983; p=0.017), Florianópolis (0.999; p=0.001), Goiânia (-0.997; p=0.003), Maceió (-0.987; p=0.013), Natal (-0.962; p=0.038), Palmas (-0.982; p=0.018) and Vitória (-0.998; p=0.002). Conclusion: there is a general correlation between the mean mortality coefficients and HDI. As HDI increases, there is a decrease in mortality from sepsis
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Copyright (c) 2022 Letícia Aires do Rosário, Camila Marinelli Martins, Taís Ivastcheschen, Luciane Patrícia Andreani Cabral, Wesley Sousa Borges, Erildo Vicente Muller, Pollyanna Kássia de Oliveira Borges
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