Geotechnologies applied in epidemiological studies on cases of covid-19: a narrative review
COVID-19; Epidemiology; Spatial Analysis.Abstract
Background and objectives: the applied geotechnologies are essential in helping the development of epidemiological studies that aim to identify and distribute health events in specific populations and territories, in addition to verifying the factors that influence the occurrence of these events, intending to apply the evidence in strategies of disease planning and control as in the covid-19 pandemic. This study aimed to present the scientific evidence that has been produced on geotechnologies applied in epidemiological studies on cases of covid-19. Methods: this is a descriptive narrative literature review (NLR). To guide the study, the following research question was elaborated: what has been studied about applied geotechnologies in epidemiological research on covid-19 cases? The search was carried out in October 2021, using the descriptors Geographic Information Systems AND Covid-19 OR SARS-CoV-2 AND Epidemiology AND Spatial Analysis, in Virtual Health Library, Scopus, Web of Science, Portal CAPES. Complementarily, a search was carried out for epidemiological bulletins and booklets on the Brazilian Ministry of Health website. Results: nineteen sources of information were selected that fit the objectives for the discussion construction, with three categories of analysis being listed: Geotechnology application; Information management; Challenges of epidemiological studies that use secondary data. Conclusion: geotechnology use in epidemiological studies on covid-19 in identifying areas at risk for the infection spread was such remarkable.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Janiel Conceição da Silva, Ana Cristina Pereira de Jesus Costa , Adriana Gomes Nogueira Ferreira , Janaína Miranda Bezerra, Lívia Maia Pascoal, Floriacy Stabnow Santos, Marcelino Santos Neto

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