Nursing care and epidemiological profile of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia


  • Amanda Fell Kich universidade do vale do Taquari- UNIVATES
  • Cássia Regina Gotler Medeiros
  • Graziella Gasparotto Baiocco
  • Camila Marchese



Pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation; Nursing care; Epidemiological profile.


Background and Objectives: to assess the epidemiological profile of patients diagnosed with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and to investigate nursing care adequacy. Methods: a quantitative retrospective cohort study, applied in the ICU of a hospital in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul. It involved 100% of medical records of patients over 20 years of age, in the year 2019, who developed VAP. Results: a total of 3,215 patients were on invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), and of these 13 developed VAP (2.47%). Most were men (76.92%), with a mean age of 60.3 years, whose main causes of hospitalization were heart problems (30.77%), multiple trauma (30.77%) and stroke (15.39%). The main pathogens found in tracheal aspirates were Acinetobacter sp. (15%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15%). The mean ICU stay was 30.61 days, and 61.53% died. For nursing care assessment, the mean checklist of the VAP bundle applied was calculated, according to the number of days in VMI. The result was 2.62 checklists per day, with the institution recommending four. Conclusion: the study made it possible to know the epidemiological profile of patients with VAP, in addition to observing the need for improvement in nursing care, considering that the checklist completion was below the recommended.



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How to Cite

Kich, A. F., Gotler Medeiros, C. R. ., Gasparotto Baiocco, G. ., & Marchese, C. . (2023). Nursing care and epidemiological profile of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infecção, 12(4).

