Infections in patients hospitalized for external causes in Intensive Care Units
Epidemiology, External Causes, Infections, Intensive Care UnitsAbstract
Background and Objectives: given the great demand for hospitalization due to external causes, as well as the growing number of cases of infections in health services, it can be said that these are important issues and that they represent a huge challenge to be faced by professionals and health managers around the world. Therefore, this article aims to describe the profile of individuals hospitalized for external causes in an Intensive Care Units (ICUs) who underwent a culture test and identify the main microorganisms that cause infection. Methods: a cross-sectional study carried out with patients suffering from external causes, admitted to an ICU of a general hospital in Bahia. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, presented in absolute and relative frequencies. Results: a total of 259 admissions to the ICU due to external causes were identified, of which 59 (22.78%) underwent cultures, of which 48 (81.35%) were men, 43 (72.88%) were brown, 32 (54.24%) did not have a partner and 35 (59.32%) suffered transport accidents. Regarding the use of devices, 54 (91.52%) patients were on invasive mechanical ventilation, 54 (91.50%) used an indwelling urinary catheter and 54 (91.52%) had a central venous catheter. The main microorganisms identified in the culture were of the genera Staphylococcus (17; 28.9%) and Pseudomonas (10; 16.9%). Conclusion: it is concluded that admissions to ICU resulting from external causes in patients who underwent culture were of men, who suffered transport accidents, used invasive devices, and the main infections are related to microorganisms of the genus Staphylococcus.
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