Individual and contextual determinants of COVID-19 mortality in Pernambuco: a case-control study
Background and Objectives: to analyze individual and contextual factors associated with mortality from COVID-19 in the state of Pernambuco. Methods: a case-control study, with secondary data from the Center for Strategic Information on Health Surveillance in Pernambuco (CIEVS-PE - Centro de Informações Estratégicas de Vigilância em Saúde de Pernambuco), where cases were deaths from COVID-19 and controls were those recovered. To develop the multilevel analysis, hierarchical regression listed the individual and contextual levels (healthcare and municipality), considering a statistical significance of 10%. Results: the study presented 18,198 cases and 27,647 controls, and the final model indicated 13 variables as determining factors for mortality in the state, ten of which were at the individual level (sex, age group, symptoms, O2 saturation <95%, respiratory distress, dyspnea, comorbidities, heart or vascular diseases, diabetes and obesity). At the contextual level, three variables were identified, two of which were related to healthcare (adult Intensive Care Unit beds and respirators/ventilators) and one to the municipality (health macroregion). Conclusion: the individual-level factors presented showed a greater determination for death by COVID-19 in the state of Pernambuco, making it necessary to reinforce healthcare for the most vulnerable groups.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Tatiane Alves da Silva, Lívia Teixeira de Souza Maia, Gabriella Morais Duarte Miranda, Ana Lúcia Andrade da Silva
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