Musculoskeletal symptoms in Primary Health Care professionals
Cumulative trauma disorders, Prevalence, Healthcare personnel, Primary health care, Family health strategyAbstract
Background and Objectives: musculoskeletal diseases affect the musculoskeletal system and have multifactorial causes, with a higher risk of developing in some work activities. This study aimed to analyze the occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms in Primary Health Care professionals. Methods: a comparative study among healthcare professionals from two municipalities. A structured questionnaire containing sociodemographic and professional variables and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire were applied. Results: a total of 429 healthcare professionals have participated; 85 (19.8.2%) from municipality A and 344 (80.2%) from municipality B. There was no difference in the percentage of professionals with musculoskeletal symptoms between the municipalities (p>0.05). The main pain complaints in the last 12 months were for the lumbar region (56.2%), neck/cervical (48.4%), shoulders (44.7%), back/thoracic region (35.3%) and ankles/foot (31.7%). The lowest rates of pain complaints were for elbows (10.5%) and forearms (14.6%). In the last 12 months, 203 (48.7%) professionals avoided their daily activities of working, at-home service or leisure/pastime due to musculoskeletal problems/symptoms. Conclusion: Primary Health Care professionals from the studied municipalities reported main complaints of musculoskeletal symptoms, in the last 12 months, in the lumbar region, neck/cervical, shoulders, dorsal/thoracic region and ankles/foot. The regions with the fewest complaint rates were elbows and forearms. There were no significant differences in the number of professionals with complaints of musculoskeletal symptoms between the municipalities. This study provides new knowledge by contributing with information that can guide the planning and implementation of actions to promote health and prevent musculoskeletal disorders in Primary Health Care workers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luciano Garcia Lourenção, Fabio Ribeiro da Silva, Claudia Eli Gazetta, Carlos Leonardo Figueiredo Cunha, Natália Sperli Geraldes Marin dos Santos Sassaki, Vagner Ferreira do Nascimento, Daniele Alcalá Pompeo
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