Comparison of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) on visceral leishmaniasis in Rio Grande do Sul
Background and Objectives: visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonosis with a major impact on public health, affecting neglected populations, with a high fatality rate, and its control is highly dependent on human actions. This study aimed to describe and compare the level of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) regarding VL in the populations of three municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul (endemic and non-endemic areas). Methods: 334 tests were applied, in KAP format, classified as adequate and inadequate. Variable “A” (Attitude) was assessed before and after a brief explanation of the topic. Results: among the total number of interviewees, 43.63% in the city with an urban area of endemic focus (UAEF) obtained an adequate score in “K” (Knowledge) about VL, 16.66% with an adequate assessment in “P” (Practice), and 61.40% with an adequate level of “A”. In the rural area of endemic focus (RAEF), the scores obtained were 14.54%, 10% and 56.40%, respectively, and in the non-endemic area (NEA), 10.9%, 11.81% and 30.90%, respectively. Respondents with the highest level of “K” in RAEF and UAEF opted for euthanasia for positive dogs and did not change their opinion after the explanation about the disease. In NEA, respondents with the highest “K” score opted for treatment without changing their choice, whereas respondents with the highest “P” score opted for euthanasia and maintained it. Conclusion: the results obtained in this study indicate that knowledge of the disease interferes with decision-making regarding it, which can be decisive in VL control and prevention.
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